How do you feel about all the drama in the news?

When I was a young boy or even a teenager I don’t remember feeling this way. Everyday I feel frustrated and disappointed by the drama developing throughout the world and even more so by the constant media attack on the minds of the average person. A few months back I heard a song by Nas called Sly Fox and it made me think about the whole situation deeply. I’m laughing but I feel as if I’m living a verse from the Geto Boys My Mind Playing Tricks on Me (if you’ve never heard it you should listen to it). Even though this song was released in 1991 it seems to fit perfectly today as I feel the frustration created by everything I see and hear in the media. It makes me feel as if I can’t trust anyone. But I know those feelings are unfounded so I try to stay away from all of that negativity and focus on music.

I’ve always found music to speak the emotions of the people and I think that’s what has made some great artists…GREAT. Bob Marley, of course, is one of the greatest ever in any genre. His ability to describe the struggles, frustrations, joys, and every other emotion through music in an entertaining yet meaningful manner is still inspirational to a multitude of people worldwide. That can be said of many other artists in every genre. As you can tell I have been heavily influenced by Reggae music and also by Hip Hop in many ways. I still love Hip Hop music although I am disappointed by the exploitation of young artist through the propagation of music with no value. I don’t think there are any artists with a positive message that will get any airplay anywhere. If you are not a vehicle for promoting slackness or violence then the Hip Hop artist is almost mute (I guess love songs still get airplay). It’s not much different for Reggae. Reggae is in essence an underground music that should remain underground or it would risk losing its genuine message just like Hip Hop did.

Although everything you read so far in this article seems gloomy I say it all with the highest sense of positivity and optimism that music can make a constructive change in the lives of people everywhere. That is what makes MUSIC a universal force. Hip Hop has a new wave of young artist who are saying SOMETHING! Reggae has spread to every corner of the world and that is not an exaggeration. This winter in Napoli, Italy I found a community who is fully engaged in the complete spectrum of positive Reggae & Hip Hop as musicians, singers, selectors, and MC’s. Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Costa Rica, Ivory Coast, Native Americans of every tribe and I’m sure many more have all slowly developed and adapted these genres of music to meet their own needs and voice their struggles in unique ways. It’s really an UpLifting experience to be part of this.

As I write my own music I write about what I see and feel, and sometimes I write about the struggles others experience because their stories need to be told as well. I try my best to stay away from writing lyrics that may mislead young people into trying to be something that is not real. For many years I was misled by music that glorified negativity. I give thanks I never ended up in jail or in a situation that would ruin my life. My songs No Man Stranded, Third World Anthem, Feeling No Pain, Thunder & Lightning, Tell Me Who and others tell the stories I feel need to be told. They voice the frustrations I feel and the positivity that I also feel when I see that we still have hope. The yutes have an Uplifting way of believing…so while I am here I will continue Be Living and singing music that everyone can hear…from the elders to the babies. Thanks for reading.





P.S. I leave this for you to listen to. I hope you Fulljoy the music and the message!



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